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Robotsports is an open team where new members are always welcome. We are looking for members who can contribution on technical development or support with the organisational tasks. There is room in the team for all kind of technicians. We offer you the opportunity to further develop your skills in your field of expertise or maybe learn something new by experimenting in another field. This includes software, hardware, mechanical and system activities.

The team is busy improving the behavior and the perception of the robots by integrating new sensors, applying AI but also busy in the development of a new generation of football robots. For this we are looking for new team members in all kinds of areas.


Some possible tasks within the Robotsports team:

• Adding new sensors: From robust assembly to developing algorithms to convert the sensor data into reliable input for the football tactics.

• Test and qualify the football behavior and shooting.

• Improve and accelerate the calibrations which are needed in to play.

• football behavior design, implement and test.

• Organizational support: make scenarios for competitions, organizing workshops, website,  publications, etc.


Note that these are just some examples.

Interested or do you need more info?

Get in contact with us!